Resist the urge to Shalaye this 2022

The best part of new years are the resolutions!


So many people giving into the spirit of new diets, new friendships and new me vibes. Just like our Sefi character in Unintentional, I thought it wise to advise us on one or two things we should definitely not carry into 2022- The urge to Shalaye. According to the everyday lingo article, subsection 142 of slangs in Nigeria, resisting the urge to shalaye- simply means not being forward.


Don’t do it sis or bro!


Don’t spend your 2022, assuming and then having to apologize or say, it was unintentional.


If anything your entire 2022, should mean you surround yourself with easy goals and attainable intents.

Sefi assumed Uzor texted her (Sis, did you unintentionally send your phone via that kiss?


Sefi assumed Uzor proposed (Ah, but aunty, you didn’t even wait long enough to see blinding bling)


In summary, Sefi was a great babe, but past trauma made it easy for her to ‘Bare’ and in doing so, she actually left space for things to happen, that could have been avoided.


We all get clean slates at the start of new year. 2022, is another 365 days looming with opportunities, new chances, and even chances of re-starting.


Let’s take it by the horn, and not presume or pre-empt based on past experiences that we have to do things the same way. You learned the lesson, now apply it.

Las Las sha, resist the urge to Shalaye and have a superb new year!!