Mighty follows the tale of Angel, Madam B, Patience, and the leader of the clan Baddie as they navigate a night out in the bustling city of Lagos.
Looking at Nigeria’s pressing topic of kidnap, deceit, and quick money fixes, this film addresses how one night’s turn of events, can lead to an introspective question ” how do we change things? , and a reminder that looks can be deceiving.
Laced with humor, satire, and many seat-gripping adventures, MIGHTY promises to knock you out of the park and keep you glued.
MIGHTY – Victor ‘Nkubi’ Nwaogu
MAMA B – Jessica Obasi
MAMA – Ada Ameh
PATIENCE – ALbert Oluwatoyin
BADDY – Chioma Okoli
ANGEL – Kech Nwikwu
PILOT – Precious Ijara
DT. TARIQ – Lumide Femi-Isedowo
SHOP OWNER – Anthony Andrew
DANGER – Nosa Emmanuel
STORM – Joseph Daniel
WITCH DR. – Chidiebere Ugochukwu
LADY 1 – Belinda Chiazor
LADY 2 – Bunmi Diamond
LITTLE BOY – Prince Buchi
OTHER LADIES – Oge Orisakwe